As you are probably aware, there is now a defibrillator unit attached to the outer wall of the Wellington Football Club on the car park side. This has been provided through grants and donations secured through the Wellington & District Sports Federation.

As part of the deal, a defibrillator awareness evening has been planned for Tuesday 2nd October 2018, at 7.30pm at Wellington Football Club. The event covers subjects such as what it can provide, when it can be used, how to use it (although the device itself talks you through this in an emergency situation), demonstrations, etc.

As member clubs of the Wellington & District Sports Federation, we are offering each of the clubs a couple of spaces at this evening event. If you are interested in attending, could you please reply back to me by email by the 14th September with the names of who might be attending. Timing would be to arrive at 7.15pm, start time 7.30pm, and the evening should take no longer than a couple of hours.

The unit has been positioned so as to be primarily available to all users of the playing field, but also covers the park area, North Street and Fore Street, and is available 24/7. Hopefully it will never be needed to be used, but if it saves one life it will have been all worthwhile.

Kindest regards,

Steve Coles


Wellington & District Sports Federation