Another New Member!
Wellington Wheelers Cycling Club has joined WDSF and makes our membership now sixteen strong.
New Federation Patron
I am delighted to be able to announce that the Federation has been able to recruit a fourth Patron to support, develop and advise on our activities going forward. Richard…
Wellington Swimming Club
Fourteen members soon became fifteen as Wellington Swimming Club joined the Federation - again we warmly welcome them.
Wellington Bowmen
Wellington Bowmen have joined the Wellington and District Sports Federation. They are the fourteenth Club to do so since January's AGM; they are warmly welcomed on board.
Wellington Playing Field and Recreation Ground Development Working Party Meeting – CHANGE OF VENUE
As building work has begun at Wellington Cricket Club the venue for this meeting has been altered; we will now meet at Wellington AFC's clubhouse. The meeting is still on Tuesday 22nd February from Contact David…
Wellington Weavers Running Club
We have another new member - Wellington Weavers Running Club have joined the Federation today and we welcome them and hope they find their time with us rewarding.
Wellington Playing Field and Recreation Ground Development Working Party
It is announced that we will be joined by two representatives from Taunton Deane Borough Council at our second meeting in this respect on Tuesday 22nd February from 7pm. Ann Rhodes…
Website Links
Eleven of the twelve member Clubs of the Wellington and District Sports Federation now have links to their own websites as a function of the Federation page within Thanks go…
Second Planning and Development Meeting ref Wellington Playing Field and Wellington Recreation Ground
The working party in respect of this project will meet for a second time on Tuesday 22nd February from at Wellington Cricket Club. All are welcome to attend however.
WDSF Spring Meeting 2011
Our next meeting as a Federation will be at Wellington Football Club on Wednesday 6th April from ; paperwork for this meeting will be issued in March. It is the…